Online Dating App

Online Dating App

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Portfolio Description

Introducing Run or Stay: The Refreshingly Authentic Dating Experience

Run or Stay is the delightfully relatable online dating app where people lay their imperfections on the table, and you decide whether to ‘Run’ or ‘Stay.’

Originating in the DMV, the Run or Stay App has carved out its own niche in the dating industry. It’s designed for those who understand that ‘perfect’ is just too exhausting. You won’t encounter the typical dating profiles here. Instead, our members candidly admit:

– I’m perpetually late.
– My culinary skills are nonexistent.
– My idea of a wild night is a good meal and a nap.
– If I’m not out of the house by 8 pm, it’s game over.
– My friends and family will be thoroughly informed about our relationship! LOL

The concept is pure genius! You share your truths to find out whose imperfections align perfectly with yours.

But Run or Stay is more than just a dating app. It boasts a members-only social media feature where you can discuss relationships, dating, breakups, makeups, and much more. When you join, you’ll meet people who lay it all out there, expressing who they are, what they desire, and, just as importantly, what they don’t.

Embrace your authentic self unapologetically and download the Run or Stay app at Joining, matching, and chatting is absolutely free.

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